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Sunken Gardens, 인디애나, 조용한 공원 본문


Sunken Gardens, 인디애나, 조용한 공원

오지랍C 2014. 9. 29. 08:46

Sunken Gardens.

미국 인디애나주 허팅턴(Huntington)이라는 조그마한 동네에 위치한 공원이다.

사이즈는 작지만, 조경이 잘 되어서 있어서, 결혼이나 웨딩 사진 찍기엔 안성맞춤 인듯.

1200 West Park Drive

Huntington, Indiana 46750

(260) 358-2323

The Sunken Gardens are located in Huntington, Indiana on West Park Drive and were constructed on the remnants of an old stone quarry between 1923 and 1928. The Sunken Gardens features various plantings, fishponds and stone structures and are often the site of weddings and social gatherings.

<Sunken Gardens. Huntington, Indiana>


<Sunken Gardens. Huntington, Indiana>


<Sunken Gardens. Huntington, Indiana>

성큰 가든은, 

이 곳 볼스테이트대학교(Ball state University)가 있는 먼시(Muncie)로 부터 약 50분거리.

사람도 많이 없고 조용해서 너무나 좋았던 기억.

다음에 사진찍으러 조용히 다시한번 가보고 싶다.

Sunken Gardens/Shakespeare Gardens were originally dedicated to Huntington in 1924 and the park flourished for many years. However, time and lack of money caused the gardens to lose their luster. From 1964 to 1967, the city took on a revitalizing plan to restore the gardens to their once magnificent glory.

This enchanting park, where graceful fieldstone footbridges span a "U" shaped pond, and stone stairways lead visitors to the gardens below, was erected out of an old abandoned stone quarry.  The quarry's natural rough-hewn stonewalls provided a living amphitheater, which architects incorporated in the designing of the ponds, walks, bridges, flowers and foliage. Today, the addition of a Christmas light display during the winter season has attracted thousand to this multi-level heaven.

Sunken Gardens/Shakespeare Gardens is a historical show place. It continues to be respected landmark of restored beauty and community pride.

성큰가든, 페이스북
