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잡다한 이야기
미국 풋 골프(foot golf), 풋 골프 footgolf 를 아십니까? 본문
미국에서 웹서핑을 하다가 풋 골프를 발견했다.
[미국 풋골프(foot golf), 풋골프footgolf 를 아십니까?]
경기방식은 골프와 유사하나, 다만 골프공, 골프채 대신에
축구공과 발을 사용하는 것이 차이점이다.
(첫번째 샷은 티 박스를 사용한다고 ㅎㅎ)
이 주소는 미국 풋 골프 협회 링크 주소다
Footgolf, as in foot golf. Same rules as golf, but with your feet and a bigger 21 inch diameter cup. Because you can`t kick a soccer ball as far as you can hit a golf ball, the average footgolf hole is less than half the distance away as a traditional golf hole. It`s cheaper to play, too, so whether you achieve the feet of victory or feel the agony of defeat, it`s not hard to foot the bill, and you are guaranteed to get a kick out of it without ever joining a club.
The player who plays the 9 or 18 holes with the fewest shots wins. Most rules of FootGolf correspond with those of golf. FootGolf as sport is played on golf courses only.
The first shot has to be played from the tee box, and to reach the hole, bunkers, trees, water and hills have to be crossed or avoided. This means a powerful shot is useful, but not decisive.
재미있는 것은, 2012년에 헝가리 부다페스트에서 첫번째 풋골프 월드컵이 열렸다고.
한국은 없고, 헝가리 아르헨티나, 벨기에, 그리스, 네델란드, 이태리, 멕시코, 미국 8개국이 참가했다고 한다 ㅎㅎ Béla Lengyel 이 첫 우승의 주인공이라고. ㅎ
[첫 월드컵 우승을 차지한 Béla Lengyel ]
The first Footgolf World Cup was held in Budapest, Hungary in June 2012. Players from eight countries (Hungary, Argentina, Belgium, Greece, Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, United States) gathered in the capital city of Hungary. The championship was played on the Kisoroszi Golf Course. About eighty players played 18 holes on the first day, and another 18 on the second day. In the end Béla Lengyel was crowned first world champion, ending just ahead of Peter Nemeth (2nd) and Csaba Feher (3rd).